Grow Your Business: 32 ways to smash your business growth!
Challenge Yourself: Explore one topic each week over 32 weeks!
Join a Community: Stay motivated in the challenge community
Have Fun: Have fun while growing your business!
Track Your Success: Watch your efforts pay off as you apply these powerful strategies to grow your business.
Discover the Impact – Participants Testimonials
The 32 Ways-32 Days challenge from D32 is one of the most helpful programs we have come across. Our leadership team are all participating and the key outcomes for us are:
There are lots of new ideas mixed with things we typically know as business leaders and should be doing.
The foundational success is providing the framework, guidance and accountability to get these done.
Worth every minute and the fact you can access the recordings covering the daily seven minute sessions, means you don't miss it if you are busy. A powerful armoury of tools that drives your business forward. Thank you
Christopher Morrison, Delivering Outcomes
You'll receive your weekly challenge via a course portal with pre-recorded videos and worksheets. We'll meet live each week for Q&A sessions.
Monday 3rd February
2nd week of September
You can watch the videos at your own pace via the course portal.
It's for small business owners looking for motivation, inspiration, and accountability to take MASSIVE action!
$995 + GST for the regular price
Each week, you'll share your results in the Facebook group—32 Ways Business Growth Program. The worksheets and pre-recorded videos for the entire program will be available in the portal. We'll also host a live Q&A session each week to offer any support you need. Be sure to submit your worksheet and mark the weekly assessment as complete.